The great purpose of Taiji is the great purpose of life itself – internal evolution.
All are born to this purpose but most quickly forget why they are here. Once enmeshed in the physical world, life serves merely the body's survival. Society's physical and social edifices, intended as forms within which humanity may evolve, become prisons. Many dream of escape but few find the practical path to freedom.
An intelligent synthesis of Daoist, Sufi & Yogic internal work
Immersed 50yrs in these 3 great esoteric streams Patrick's true contact enlivens this teaching which leads deeply inside towards the one formless Source – which has no name.
He has authored 4 books on Taiji & meditation (in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese). He guides a world network of 100 teachers and 1000s of students.
Taiji is in practice what 'Dao de Jing' expresses in principle
These principles remain universal throughout the known worlds, undiminished by their common reduction to intellectual ideas, emotional values, or religious rules, by the various races of the Earth.
"道生一 Dao gave rise to one
一生二 one produced two
二生三 two produced three
三生萬物 three produced myriads
萬物負陰而抱陽 myriads bear Yin, embrace Yang
沖氣以為和 harmonised by immaterial Qi